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Facial fractures


Facial Fractures

Facial fractures refer to fractures or breaks in the bones of the face, which may include the lower jaw(mandible) nose, cheekbones (zygomas), eye sockets (orbits), jaw, and the bones surrounding the mouth. These fractures can result from various causes, including motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports injuries, assaults, or other types of trauma to the face. The severity of facial fractures can range from mild to severe, and the management depends on the specific bones involved and the extent of the injury.
facial fractures consultation

Common Types of Facial Fractures

Nasal Fractures

Fractures of the nasal bones are common and can result in a deviated septum, nosebleeds, and changes in the appearance of the nose.

Orbital Fractures

Fractures involving the eye socket (orbit) can cause double vision, pain with eye movement, and changes in the position of the eye.

Zygomatic Fractures (Cheekbone Fractures)

Fractures of the zygomatic bone can lead to swelling, bruising, and changes in the alignment of the cheek.

Maxillary Fractures (Upper Jaw Fractures)

Fractures of the upper jaw may cause pain, difficulty biting or chewing, and changes in the alignment of the upper teeth.

Mandibular Fractures (Lower Jaw Fractures)

Fractures of the mandible can result in difficulty speaking, chewing, and changes in the alignment of the lower teeth.